Please click on the flyer for course information.

How do I register for online courses and videos?

  1. Log into the MEL Safety Institute (MSI) Learning Management System (LMS).
  2. If you have previously taken MSI classes, enter your username and password.
  3. If you do not know your username/password, ask your Training Administrator to send an LMS activation email or call the MSI Helpline. 
  4. Once logged into the LMS, go to the Request Training button for a list of online courses and videos.
  5. Select the course or video you wish to complete and submit it at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Your course will now show in the Assigned section of your dashboard. Click the title to launch the course or video.
  7. Learning Transcripts are automatically updated in the MEL Safety Institute’s Learning Management System and show in the Completed section of your homepage.

Questions? Contact the MSI helpline at 866-661-5120.  For additional MSI  information and resources go to the MEL Safety Institute.